We have a reason to celebrate

Because we were able to realize that our idea went beyond our Berlin bicycle filter bubble recognition finds. So much so that even the federal government at the highest level says: "That's awesome." (Quote: nobody). Or what Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier it says: "For ten years now, we have been honoring 32 entrepreneurs who stand out with particularly innovative and creative ideas and at the same time offer sustainable solutions for current and future challenges. [...] They break new ground in conception and entrepreneurial activity and, with a great deal of commitment, creativity and irrepressible will, create added value that goes far beyond economic success."

Preisverleihung im WECC

Before we were allowed to accept our prize from State Secretary Claudia Dörr-Voß in Berlin's Westhafen last Tuesday, we creative pilots invited to the Federal Chancellery and by Prof. Monika Grütters, Minister of State for Culture and Media. An extremely likeable woman, one has to say, who also had a formulation ready in her eulogy that stuck, namely that we, the chosen ones, are characterized by a "clever examination of the present".

Grandiose projects

In our case, this is the translation of the rather dry topic of road safety into creative and individually applicable products to promote more fun in sustainable mobility. The thematic range of our 31 fellow campaigners is huge and no less fascinating. From the Beer made from stale bread, about the global tip for producers of textiles, up to VR rehabilitation measures for neurologically ill people, there's really a lot of great stuff in there. We are therefore proud and just as grateful to be part of such a squad that carries the emancipatory and innovative ideas with waving flags in front of them.

Eberhard Schilling
Tagged: events


Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

— dborriyuog