You have inspired us a lot with your submissions. Great to see where our reflective stickers end up all over the place. You stick city bikes, mountain bikes, racing bikes, helmets, scooters, cargo bikes, hand bikes, prams, and you are really creative!
Choice of 5
Now we have chosen our five favorites from 2020 internally. Totally subjective of course, but that's the way it is. The decision wasn't easy. As a reward, we will send the winners a set that we hope will bring joy, consisting of SPOKES in the color rainbow, a DECAL of your choice and one coupon over 10€ for our webshop.

Do you want to participate this year too? Then we look forward to new pictures, the year has only just begun. Of course we want to do justice to the quality and quantity of your creations. So at the end of the year we choose 10 entries this time. Knit diligently!